建立彼此相爱 分享福音 一起成長的大家庭
Empowered by God's love and truth, we exist as a community
to love one another, to share the Gospel and to grow in life and missions.
RightNow Media 是北美教会使用最多的圣经影音网站, 里面有丰富的圣经学习、家庭关系建造、青少年及儿童教育的视频,可以在手机和电视上播放,非常适合小组和家庭一起学习分享。 尽管大部分内容都是英文,RightNow Media正在逐步增加中文视频,而且在很多的视频里加入中文字幕,方便华人使用。目前这个网络资源只能以教会的名义购买,为造就信徒,我们教会已购买了使用权, 鼓励大家使用。点击链接 http://bit.ly/SCCACPA 就可以进入教会的账号注册使用。
RightNow Media offers the world’s largest customizable library of biblical video resources for adults and children of all ages and can be used for bible studies, disciple training, leadership development, family ministry, Children ministry, and youth ministry, etc. The videos can be easily played on cell phones and TV, designed to facilitate sharing between friends, among small groups and families. Even though the primary contents are in English, RightNow Media started to add Chinese subtitles to their videos and build video library in Chinese. SCCAC has purchased the subscription to use this web resource. All are welcomed and encouraged to use it. Please go to the following link to sign up: http://bit.ly/SCCACPA
Unifying Renewing Equipping Serving