As servants of God, we hold each other accountable

Non-Negotiables of Servant Leadership (from State College Alliance Church)

Positive Attitude 积极正面的态度

Healthy leaders bring a positive attitude, resist gossip, and seek to live and serve peacefully among their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Life of Integrity 敬虔的生活见证

Healthy leaders understand that their private lives should show devotion to Christ and His church. They always watch their lives and doctrine closely to maintain a godly example to those in our church and our community.

Commitment 忠心的委身教会

Healthy leaders are committed to their local body and show that commitment through membership and active involvement.

Teachability 谦卑的顺服权柄

Healthy leaders understand the importance of submission to authority.

Balance 平衡责任和灵活

Healthy leaders balance responsibility and flexibility.

Mentoring 重视培养新一代

Healthy leaders reproduce themselves and invest in others.