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SCCAC Youth! We have a wonderful opportunity to share the Love of Jesus with our friends at Hearthside. Please make 7-10 crafts so each resident can have one. You can make one from the links included or make your own. We would like you to print out a verse and attach it to the craft. A list of suggested verses are included below. Our friends at hearthside love to receive cards. This is a wonderful way to share the joy and hope of Christmas with them. Please write or make a card to go with each craft. You will notice the list of items below that you can buy. These are simple gifts that bring a lot of joy! All items will be given in one big container so the activities director can give it to those in need or as prizes. Please look at the list and buy a few things to give them. You are all so amazing to share in Blessing our Friends at Hearthside! Praise the Lord!!!

  • Date:1/15/2021 04:00 PM
  • Location